Personal Quiet Times With God
January 2, 2024
A couple of new thoughts for our personal quiet times with God: (1) I was absolutely crying uncontrollably when this hit me. I have been contemplating some big questions lately – like why did God go forward with creation if He foresaw that there would be pain and suffering in the world? But if He could foresee our pain and suffering, He could also foresee the much greater pain and suffering it would require of Him to save us as He did on the cross. His pain and suffering would be required by only one thing He created – man. Foreseeing this, God could have chosen not to go on and create the world and us, but He did. This shows how important our existence is to God. And since He relates to each one of us individually, it shows just how much each one of us means to Him – how much He was willing to suffer that I might exist, that I might have a life.. This is where I broke down with uncontrollable tears.
(2) This 2nd thought I shared once before but is worth sharing again in light of the thought above. In our quiet times when we are thanking God for the blessings and mercies He has shown us, remember it is for these very moments He created us – to understand what He has given us, has done for us and to fellowship with Him in love and gratitude one-on-one. Then this insight – with all God’s sovereignty, power and might, there is something He wants – yes, greatly cherishes and desires but can’t make happen. It is our voluntary love and gratitude toward Him and fellowship with Him after we finally “get it” – that is, we finally understand that our lives are precious gifts from God. We were made so that we could understand, appreciate, and respond in love and gratitude for the life He has given us. “God, help me not to neglect spending this precious time with you!”